Saturday, November 22, 2008
I'm all over the place today, I truly blame the mass amount of sleep I've incurred lately.

I so need to get motivated though, the house needs cleaned, it isn't a mess, I just know it could look better had some serious elbow grease been applied.

I'm actually beginning to think that this last fight may be harder to come back from than previous fights Mike and I have had, especially because I've expended what I could, emotionally.

I'm also ridding my life of peoples who bring negative energy into my life, people who's own happiness is more important than everyone else's safety, people who are mental leeches who drain me in some form or another, especially since cultivating my family and their safety is important to me.
posted by Brea at 4:48 PM |


At November 22, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Blogger Betty said........
I had to clean the house today :(
wasn't bad but like you thought it could be better if I cleaned it. I hate when I get too much sleep my brain doesn't function. lol!


At November 22, 2008 at 7:28 PM, Blogger Brea said........
Yeah, that's how I am on too much sleep, it tires my brain.